“Our school is a smallish school in NSW and has been using your AHM this last 12 months. I bought it as a K-6 program so all staff could access it. I love and have enjoyed the journeys that you take the students on with their learning and understanding. I have a 4/5 class and this year in particular we have been able to use the website much more effectively. I’m very happy with the content and units and we have repurchased for the next 12 months. The earlier grades tend to combine AHM with another program they bought into, however, I have heard them say they like to combine the two. I am very happy with the way you present and the quality of content so it’s a big THANK YOU from me. “
— Teacher Public School NSW
“I used Australian History Mysteries throughout the second semester of 2016 with Year 7s and 9s and found them hugely beneficial to my program. They created interest with the students as they were ‘locally’ based and they directly dealt with the inquiry strand of the curriculum. The students were able to complete the activities to the level they were capable of which made them appropriate for all levels within the classroom. I felt more confident in meeting the curriculum and enjoyed learning as well!! Thank you Australian History Mysteries!!
I have enjoyed using the content will be using them again when we approach history again this year!”
— History Teacher, Saint Mary Star of the Sea School, Carnarvon WA
“I love this resource. It is possibly the best that I have seen in some time. In addition I would like to add that it will inspire students with outstanding graphics and videos.
I love the element of mystery which is so engaging. Students love solving mysteries and if it feels like a game it is so much better.
The resource allows for all levels of ability and provides a refreshing insight into the History Curriculum.
I would like to upgrade my trial subscription to a 12 month school subscription.
Many thanks again.”
— Victoria Rose, Edenhope College, Victoria
“I have to say your Australian History Mysteries site is a quality teaching and learning resource of the highest order. On Tuesday I had the students in the class I teach (a year 4/5 class) look at the case studies and select the case study they wished to explore further as part of our introduction next term. They selected “What was life like for Aboriginal people before the arrival of the Europeans”. I look forward to starting that case study with the class next term.”
— Graham Body, Teacher & Sport Coordinator, Coniston Public School
“At the beginning of the year I subscribed to the Australian History Mysteries website and have used a number of different case studies. This is my first year as a specialist History Teacher R – 7. The Australian History Mysteries site is my first port of call when looking for units of work and resources. It has made my task of planning much easier and quicker.
It is wonderful to have all the resources needed, in one easily accessible place. To date I have used 4 units. “How and why do people choose to remember the significant events of the past?” (with my Yr 3, and some of the activities with my Yr 2s); “Why did the great journeys of exploration occur?”; “Who migrated to Australia and what were their lives like?”; “Who were the people who came to Australia?” The interactives and visual activities have been very engaging for the students. The videos are of a good length, with plenty of information presented in an engaging manner. I found the “Who Discovered Australia?” very thought provoking, challenging the children’s preconceptions. The Australian History Mysteries have been a mainstay of my History program- thank you so much!
I ALSO used parts of the Yr 9 unit “World War 1 – did it divide or unite the community” with my Yr 6 class. I used the teacher resource to make modifications to the program suitable for the younger age group. We made up our own “family groups” based on soldiers who fought in WW1 from our local area. This way the students felt they had a “real” wartime brother or father and could look at the effect of the war from a child’s perspective. We used the scenarios to help the students have an understanding of significant events, how it impacted on their family and to try and empathise with a real WW1 family. “
— Jenny Rossiter, History Teacher. Prospect Primary School
“History Mysteries has proved to be a valuable resource for our History teachers. It links well with the Australian Curriculum while giving flexibility in the classroom. Located in Moodle, teachers are able to login easily using the automatic log in link to find relevant and comprehensive teaching resources.”
— Elizabeth Swanson, Teacher Librarian, Queensland
“I have been using Australian History Mysteries as part of my Year 3-6 History curriculum for the past year. What has stood out for me is the engagement my students display during our sessions. As a teacher and historian I find the format of these units of work allow students to make historical links through inquiry and research, which makes for an exciting History lesson. My students learn that History is not simply facts, but relationships, causes and consequences.
These units also provide flexibility in terms of content. I can choose elements based on my students abilities and restructure units as appropriate. Processes within the units can also be altered to meet either low-tech or high tech assessment methods, students selection of how they display understanding and reflections. I would recommend Australian History Mysteries to any teacher. Each unit I have used sits comfortably within the curriculum and bring a wonderful sense of excitement, knowledge and wonder to the classroom. It is the best History resource I have in my ‘toolkit’.”
— Rob Coughlan
Primary School teacher and history research Western Australia
Australian History Mysteries Website
Finalist in AIMIA Awards 2011
Best Learning and Education
Australian History Mysteries 3
Winner of ATOM Award 2010
Best Secondary Education Resource
Australian History Mysteries 2
Winner of ATOM Award 2006
Best Secondary Education Resource